Bürs (AT), Berlín (DE) [tlačová správa]: Getzner Werkstoffe predstavuje nové aj osvedčené riešenia na ochranu proti vibráciám na výstave InnoTrans 2018 v Berlíne, ktorá sa uskutoční v septembri. Spolu s výrobkami, ako sú podvalové podložky, ktoré boli nedávno testované v súlade s normou EN 16730, odborníci spoločnosti návštevníkom výstavy preukážu výhody koordinovanej ochrany proti vibráciám vo vlakových interiéroch.

Tlačová správa ďalej pokračuje v originálnom znení. Na konci tejto správy sú dokumenty na stiahnutie.

InnoTrans 2018: Vibration protection effective in both superstructure and rail vehicles

Bürs (AT), Berlin (DE): Getzner Werkstoffe introduces both new and tried-and-tested solutions for vibration protection at the InnoTrans 2018 in Berlin, set to take place in September. Alongside products such as the under sleeper pads, recently tested in accordance with EN 16730, experts will also be demonstrating the advantages of coordinated vibration protection in train interiors.

Getzner will be concentrating on current topics relating to ballast protection and maintenance cost reduction using under sleeper pads at the InnoTrans, set to take place from 18–21 September in Berlin. The company will be relying on the latest standards; the Getzner under sleeper pad portfolio has been subjected to the comprehensive testing procedure of the new European 16730 standard. Stefan Vonbun, Product Manager Railway at Getzner, will explain why this and other Getzner solutions are also highly suited as vibration protection in urban areas – he is due to hold a talk on the subject at the Getzner main stand on 19 September.

Comprehensive performance portfolio introduced

A further topic of focus at InnoTrans will be Getzner’s specialised performance portfolio. “For example, it will be the first time that we will go into detail about our efficacy forecasts, practical installation plans or other options for professional support when installing vibration protection solutions”, explains Jürgen Rainalter, CEO of Getzner. The main stand will also feature tried-and-tested products such as under ballast mats, mass-spring systems and solutions for optimising turnouts and transition zones.

Vibration protection for increased comfort on trains

Getzner will be illustrating how elastic components not only have a positive impact on the maintenance costs of the superstructure, but also on the quality of the journey, at a second stand in the Interiors Hall. Solutions that reduce the noise level inside the trains and increase travel comfort, include floor bearings for passenger carriages, locomotives, bathrooms and special elastic bearings for air-handling units. The floating floors in rail cars use the polyurethane material Sylomer® Fire-retardant, which was developed by Getzner and is certified according to EN 45545-2. On display will also be the Sylomer® Aluminium Vibration Damper – a particularly light and compact form of vibration protection. The new solution, Isotop® DZE Railway, effectively protects the passenger area from vibrations from the air-handling units and other aggregates applied to the rail vehicle’s ‘roof’ or ‘underfloor’. “Passengers and personnel alike benefit from the lower noise level,” according to Thomas Gamsjäger, Senior Vice President of the Industry Division at Getzner, “Vibration protection improves comfort on board trains and may be a reason to switch from other means of transport to the railway.”

Specialist lecture from TU Wien

In order to demonstrate how Getzner and KNEITZ – both companies in the Getzner group – are able to improve the quality of train journeys with their products, there will be a further lecture taking place on 20 September at the KNEITZ stand, where Bernhard Rüger from TU Wien, among others, will present the latest study findings. The Austrian company Herbert KNEITZ GmbH is one of the leading manufacturers of premium interior textiles in the automobile and transport sector. It has been part of the Getzner Group since 2016.

Getzner Werkstoffe at InnoTrans 2018

Stand 213, Hall 25 (main stand)
Stand 511, Hall 1.1.b (Interiors stand)

Getzner Werkstoffe press lunch (main stand):

Vibration protection in urban areas: Getzner shows how efficient and cost-effective the installation is as part of a track renovation – also based on the practical example of airport connections in Krakow
19 September 2018 from 12 p.m.
Stand 213, Hall 25
Redner: Jürgen Rainalter, Geschäftsführer von Getzner Werkstoffe und Stefan Vonbun, Produktmanager bei Getzner Werkstoffe

Getzner Werkstoffe and Herbert KNEITZ GmbH press lunch (KNEITZ stand):

Effectively using travel time on trains: Getzner and KNEITZ are raising the comfort and durability of rail vehicles to a new level 20 September 2018 from 1 p.m.
Stand 418, Hall 1.1
Redner: DI Dr. techn. Bernhard Rüger, Institut für Verkehrswissenschaften, Forschungsbereich Eisenbahnwesen, Verkehrswirtschaft, Seilbahnen, TU Wien, Thomas Recknagel, Head of Transportation, Herbert KNEITZ und Thomas Gamsjäger, Senior Vice President Industry Division, Getzner Werkstoffe


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